Date | Sunday 7th March 1999 |
Time | 1200 (UTC-3) |
Position | Latitude 51°41' South
Longitude 057°49' West FIPASS, Stanley Harbour, Falkland Islands |
Next destination | Rothera Base |
ETA | 13th March 1999 |
Total distance | 20462.1 Nautical Miles
(Since departing Grimsby on 17th October 1998) |
Current weather | Clear and sunny |
Wind | 35 knots |
Sea state | n/a |
Air temperature | 15.9°C |
Sea temperature | 12.2°C |
track - Updated every six hours from the weather observations sent
to Bracknell weather centre - direct from BAS
The Bransfield arrived at Prince Olav Harbour mid-morning on Sunday 28th February and once anchored the work-boat Erebus was put into the water and started regular runs to the old whaling station. The whaling station ceased working in the late 1930's and so is now in a very poor state of repairs, almost looking as though it were built from matchsticks! There were a large number of fur seals around the station and they were not as friendly as those at Bird Island, being keen to bite. However, with some skill, it was possible to avoid a nasty nip and all visitors returned without a single scratch. Just off the whaling station is the wreck of a ship called Brutus, looking somewhat forlorn now with grass growing over her decks and with a list to port.
The Bransfield departed from Prince Olave Harbour in the early evening and made towards Stanley. The voyage proved to be uneventful, with several Fin whales (see photo) being sighted and some hour glass dolphins joining us briefly on Monday afternoon. Due to favorable weather the ship arrived at the FIPASS, Stanley Harbour, at 1700 on Wednesday 3rd and made fast. First thing on Thursday morning the hatches were opened and all the waste collected from Halley, Bird Island and Signy was discharged ashore for disposal. A small amount of cargo, including some very large rocks for Rothera, were loaded and all cargo operations were completed by the Friday afternoon, leaving the weekend free for those not on duty to relax.
The Antarctic summer is now drawing to a rapid close and when the Bransfield
sails from Stanley it will be the last time that she heads south this season.
The BAS aircraft, four Twin Otters and a Dash 7, are all due to be in Stanley
this afternoon, on the first leg of their journey back to England and when
the Bransfield reaches Rothera next weekend it will be to carry out all
those personnel who are not remaining for the winter. This final leg, down
the Antarctic Peninsula, is probably one of the most spectacular journeys
one can take, with breathtaking scenery as the ship travels down between
islands and through small channels surrounded by high mountains. During
this period the Bransfield will visit the Ukranian base at Vernadsky (formerly
the British Faraday base), Palmer Station (an American base) and Port Lockroy
(an Antarctic Heritage Trust site open to visiting tourist vessels during
the summer months). There will also be a diving programme run from the
ship on the journey north from Rothera whilst en-route to Signy base, which
will be closed for the coming winter.
Forthcoming Events
Depart Stanley on Tuesday 9th March and head for Rothera Base, with a brief stop at Port Lockroy and Vernadsky.
GM0HCQ/MM QRV 14052kHz @ 2030z & 0000z
The next update will be written on Sunday 14th March 1999 and should
be published on Monday 15th March 1999.
Last updated 08/03/1999 -